
The band was created on 1st April 1994 under the name of “Carabineers Military Band”. The first director was Colonel Nicolae Usaciov great teacher and composer and founder of this band. Thanks to his great work on 21 February 2002 the band was named Orchestra of the Ministry of Interior, Department of the Carabinees Troops of Moldova.
In 2003, Colonel Nicolae Usaciov retires and he is succeeded by Captain Anatole Grischa, already vice teacher of this band. In 2004, after the death of the master Anatole Grisch, the Colonel Ghenadie Tutunaru takes his place as director of the band.
Between 2005 and 2006 the band participates in several international festivals of military bands, always achieving excellent results.
The band is always very busy, as every year it is engaged in over 150 events including cultural events, concerts, military oaths, and sporting events.
At the end of 2010 Colonel Ghenadie Tutunaru retires, leaving the role of director to the band vice teacher Lieutenant Oleg Casacu.