La”Youth Brass Orchestra” della scuola di musica “F. Chopin Marianske’ Lazne” e’ stata formata nel 1969.  L’orchestra e’ composta di circa 70 elementi,   quasi tutti quindicenni.  Nonostante la giovane eta’ dei membri, l’orchestra ha riscosso molto successo, non soltanto a Marianske Lazne ma dovunque nella Repubblica Cecca ed all’estero. E’ riconosciuta in Spagna, Francia, Belgio, Gran Bretagna, Danimarca, Norwegia, Svezia, Ungheria, Germania, Croazia, Italia e Malta.  L’orchestra si e’ esibita anche in Tunisia.

Da 1973 un gruppo di majorettes si e’ unito all’orchestra  e ne e’ diventato parte integrale.  Il fatto che l’ensemble si esibisce in circa 100 performances all’anno testimonia al suo grande successo. Partecipano in numerosi festivals e competizioni ogni anno e hanno gia’ vinto  circa 40 premi.  Una parte del successo e’ dovuto ai suoi capi:  Il conduttore d’Orchestra, Josef Koreis, e il capo delle majorettes, Eliska Sudova.  Le signore Mga Barbara Miyskova e MgA.  Nela Vyborna hanno capeggiato le majorette dal 2010 al 2014. AttualmenteMga. Petra Koreisov dirige le majorettes.    

The Youth Brass Orchestra of the F. Chopin Mariánské Lázně School of Music was created in 1969. The orchestra is made up of more than 70 musicians, with an average age of fifteen. Even with such a young orchestra it has, nonetheless had considerable success – not only at home in Mariánské Lázně but elsewhere in the Czech Republic and abroad. It is famous in most European countries; it has visited: Spain, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Germany, Croatia, Italy and Malta. The Orchestra has also toured the North-African state of Tunisia.

 A Few Musicians of The Youth Brass Orchestra and MajorettesSince 1973 a group majorettes has become an indivisible part of the orchestra. The fact, that the ensemble performs 100 common recitals a year, testifies to its huge interest.The orchestra and the majorettes take part in many festivals and international competitions, in which they have already won about 40 diplomas and awards. A significant share of the success of the ensemble belongs to the chiefs: the conductor of the Youth Brass Orchestra Mr. Josef Koreis and the head of majorettes Mrs. Eliška Sudová, who was replaced with MgA. Barbara Mikysková in 2010 and in years 2011-2014 was the leader MgA. Nela Výborná. In the present is the head of majorettes Mgr. Petra Koreisov